Business Marketing — Initiatives Pages | Downtown Wilmington

Business Marketing

Business Marketing

Business Marketing Wilmington DE

To ensure that the region’s residents as well as tourists, visitors and potential investors are aware of Downtown Wilmington’s unique attractions and importance to the region’s economy, Downtown Visions currently uses a wide range of communications to promote the Downtown. Through news media contacts, press releases, social media, email, newsletters, web/mobile site and other means, Downtown Visions encourages visitation, tourism and investment. Downtown Visions partners with tourism, economic development, arts and cultural organizations, city and state government. As well, Downtown Visions shares and markets each business within the BID. Downtown Visions collects all business information including description, social links, products, images, etc. This information is available on Downtown Visions web/mobile site with each Downtown business having a separate page. We help businesses claim and verify their business on Google Places, Maps and selected social media sites. By listing each business they will immediately be visible to all consumers. We assist small business owners with the tools and training needed to utilize social media resources. This service may include collecting images, designing logos, graphic design and writing content done by local marketing and graphic design professionals who are also businesses located within the BID. Working with these marketing professionals we make recommendations, SWOT analysis and implement a marketing plan for businesses.