Free Shipping — Initiatives Pages | Downtown Wilmington

Free Shipping

Free Holiday Shipping

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Downtown Visions is proud to announce free shipping this holiday season to support our small businesses!

What is it?

Support Downtown retailers this holiday season by shopping online directly on your favorite store’s website, and you’ll receive FREE SHIPPING courtesy of Downtown Visions. Shop between 10/1/24 and 12/31/24 to receive free shipping.

How does it work?   

Shop online with a participating Downtown Wilmington DE small business retailer during the holiday season and receive free shipping. It’s as simple as that! Downtown Visions will cover the cost of the shipping for both you and the retailer.

Participating Downtown Retailers:
Al’s Sporting Goods
Herbert Studios
Huxley & Hiro
LaFate Gallery
Make & Mellow Candle Bar
Morgan’s of Delaware
Rhythm and Heat
Shoe Tech Shoe Repair
Spaceboy Clothing
Town & Shore Handcrafted


Free shipping will be offered throughout the holiday shopping season from 10/1/24 – 12/31/24 with participating Downtown retailers.

 Are you a Small Business Retailer in Downtown Wilmington!?
Participating is easy – and the rules are simple. 

  • Your business must be located within the Wilmington Downtown DE Business Improvement District (See the map below)

  • Your business must have online sales capabilities and ship throughout the continental U.S. 

  • Your business must advertise Free Shipping to customers this holiday season and ship items free of charge to the customer during the months of October, November and December 2024.  Free shipping costs are not to exceed $100 per month per business.

  • Your business must include the Downtown Visions logo in any marketing or promotional material used and advertised.

  • Your business must request reimbursement by providing documentation of shipping costs, along with the date, basic product info, price, and the zip code to which the product(s) was (were) shipped to Downtown Visions at 409 N. Orange Street, Wilmington, DE 19801 by January 15, 2025 or by email.

  • Once the reimbursement request is verified, Downtown Visions will send a check directly to your business in the total amount of the shipping costs incurred. 

  • Fine print: Documentation of shipping costs must be legible and from online sales only.  DTV has the final authority to decide if documentation is adequate. Reimbursement requests will be processed on a first come first served basis through January 15, 2025, or until funds are exhausted. 

And that is it! Don’t miss out on your opportunity to reach more customers this holiday season and increase your online sales by providing free shipping at no cost to your business! 

Sign up today by sending an email to!  Downtown Visions will advertise your business as a participant and supply you with a graphic that you can use on your website to promote your business and Downtown Wilmington’s SHOP SMALL – FREE SHIPPING FOR ALL promotion. 

Wilmington Downtown Business Improvement District (BID).png