Holiday Party at The Mill | Downtown Wilmington

Holiday Party at The Mill

We have a truly great community in Downtown Wilmington!

Our friends at The Mill and the IN Campaign are putting together a great Holiday Party on December 14 - Click Here to RSVP for this party.

Here's the details from the organizers:

The Mill Space and In Wilmington - Arts & Entertainment are teaming up to celebrate the holidays IN true Wilmington spirit! Join us for hors d’oeuvres, drinks, music by Skinny White, pong (table tennis!), The Mill Market - featuring local artists with perfect holiday gifts - and more, as we come together to help the Parker Family of Tilton Park in their time of need. 

The Mill Market:
Delaware Fun A Day
Julia Jay Hardman
Kristin Grant Jewelry
Nicole Kristiana Studio
Objective Photography
Rocker Soaps + Herbals
Terranceism : Art by Terrance Vann
& more TBA!

This holiday season we’re going to honor the spirit and generosity of the Parker family, who, despite losing so much of their own in a tragic house fire last week in Wilmington, are still fighting to continue their support of the community through 23 year-old Quira’s nonprofit The Fairy God Sisters Of Delaware. You can read more about this INspiring family on their Go Fund Me page or the recent Delaware Online article (linked in the comments below). 

We ask all attendees to bring an item to help support the needs of the family. Clothing and everyday staples would be very helpful (known sizes below). The children lost the majority of their belongings in the fire - both necessities and passions - clothes, shoes, bedroom furniture, linens, a computer, sports equipment, musical instruments, camera equipment and other electronics. Obviously, we won't be able to replace all of these things, but with so much to rebuild, even providing common items - clothes, towels, sheets, blankets, pots & pans, grocery gift cards, etc. - we’re sure to help the Parker Family ease INto a brighter new year!

Anthony & Co-Kema Parker

KeKe Parker-Bracken (25)
Quira Parker (23)
Shemar (17) 30/32 Young Men / Adult MD shoe: 10 1/2
Destiny (15) Size 0/2 Juniors shoe: 9
Jazmine (13) Size 7 Juniors shoe: 10
Dallas (11) Size 10/12 Boys shoe: 6

I hope to see you there.
