Growing employment opportunities | Downtown Wilmington

Growing employment opportunities

Our friends at Wilmington Rotary and TEDx Wilmington are teaming up to present a program about expanding employment opportunities in our city.

Fourspeakers will give 4 TEDx talks on Expanding Employment in Wilmington over lunch in the Gold Ballroom of the Hotel du Pont, which is included in the ticket price of $25:

  • Bryan Tracy will talk about Sustainable Strategies to Re-employ Delaware’s Human and Financial Capital for the Next Big Industry Success;
  • Sebastian Kretschmer will talk about Green Prison Reentry- Growing New Farmers;
  • Francisco Castellanos's talk is entitled"Turning Coffee into Code:The art of Stoicism”
  • Harold Lathon will talk about Self-Sufficient Economic Empowerment- The Sustainable Alternative to a Career in Illegal Drugs

WHEN: Thursday, July 21, 2016 from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM (EDT)

WHERE: Hotel du Pont - 42 West 11th Street, Wilmington, DE 19801

Click Here for more details and tickets.

I hope you will join me in learning about these exciting ideas.


P.S. Here's a video invitation from the organizers: