Downtown Wilmington featured as a great place to live | Downtown Wilmington

Downtown Wilmington featured as a great place to live

North American Van Lines has a great resource for people moving to new locations - a guide listing places to check out in the region.

A recent post on the guide outlines places people should check out when they move to Wilmington, including The Grand on Market Street.

Here's an excerpt:

The Grand Opera House is a majestic performing arts theater that's dedicated primarily to opera, ballet and symphony shows. However, other concerts and events are held at this ornate opera house from time to time. Tickets to these shows are very affordable, providing you with the opportunity to travel to The Grand Opera House on numerous occasions. As there is a lot of variety when it comes to the events held at the opera house, you're sure to have a different experience each time you stop by.

You can check out the entire post by clicking here.

I am proud that Downtown Wilmington continues to get national recognition as a quality place to work, play, visit, and live.
