Meet Loshawn, Downtown Visions’ Very First Employee! | Downtown Wilmington

Meet Loshawn, Downtown Visions’ Very First Employee!

Loshawn Maxwell

Now with over 50 employees, and making a major impact within the community, Downtown Visions’ Director of Administration, Loshawn Maxwell, has fond memories of the organization’s humble beginnings and is proud of how far it has come in her 24 years with the company. She and the company have grown up together. Coming from a small town in Maryland, Loshawn overcame her shyness, became more assertive and adapted to the ever-evolving needs of Downtown Visions.

Q. What does your job role encompass at Downtown Visions?

 A.“As the Director of Administration I manage all the administrative and financial responsibilities for the company, as well as, act as a human resource liaison and provide benefits administration.”

 Q. What made you decide to work for Downtown Visions?

A.“I attended Goldey-Beacom College and upon graduation I saw the job post for an Office Assistant.  I applied and interviewed for the position.  The Managing Director of Wilmington 2000 (founding organization of Downtown Visions) thought I would be great for the position and hired me on the spot.  It also didn’t hurt that at the time he sat on the Board of Directors of the College.”

 Q. What is one of your favorite moments within your career at Downtown Visions?

A.“Honestly, the journey to where I am today. I was able to, and continue to grow so much personally and professionally.”

 Q. What project that Downtown Visions was involved in are you most proud of?

A.“Holistically, the mission to create, manage and promote a quality environment for people who live, work and visit Downtown Wilmington. The purpose is what drives me, as it is all for the greater good.  I also enjoyed working on the committee that planned our 20th anniversary celebration.”

 Q.Where do you see Downtown Visions in 5 years?

A.“I see the organization continuing to be the go-to organization, growing our partnerships, having more relationships and building bridges between all of the great people and companies making a difference Downtown. We have seen so much change, and there are so many great people involved.”

 Q. What is your favorite activity or place in Downtown Wilmington?

A.“My favorite activity is walking down Market Street and restaurant hopping, enjoying cocktails at one place, dinner at another.”

Q. What do you like to do outside of work?

A.“I love spending time with family and friends, cooking, traveling. My favorite place to travel is to the Caribbean or anywhere warm.”