There are Over 1,500 FREE Parking Spaces Available to Downtown Wilmington Visitors Nights and Weekends | Downtown Wilmington

There are Over 1,500 FREE Parking Spaces Available to Downtown Wilmington Visitors Nights and Weekends

Date nights, girls night out and hitting the town on the weekends and evenings just became even simpler. 

Art loops, festivals, concerts and restaurants galore are available in downtown Wilmington and if your excuse for not attending was lack of parking, think again.

Colonial parking is making your next trip to Wilmington a breeze. Below is a parking map resource we want you to print and stick in your vehicle, or have handy as a screenshot on your phone. These are all surface lots available on the nights (Monday-Friday after 5 PM) and weekends (all-day) provided by Colonial Parking for FREE.

If you happen to pull an all-nighter during the week, be sure to move your vehicle by 7 AM. 

Events coming up that you may want to utilize these spaces for include The Art Loop, DuPont Clifford Brown Jazz Festival, Big Noise and Ladybug Festival