Events — News | Downtown Wilmington


Downtown Farmers Market Grand Opening May 17th

The market begins Wednesday May 3rd and May 10th from 10 am - 2 pm and on Wednesday May 17th at 12:00 PM, Downtown Visions celebrates the Grand Opening of the Downtown Farmer's Market at Rodney Square sponsored by Chase Card Services.

Now in its 14th year the 2017 season of the Downtown Farmers Market at Rodney Square operates every Wednesday, rain or shine, through October 25th from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM, except for June 21st for the Jazz Fest. Join us every Wednesday, in beautiful Rodney Square, between 10th & 11th Streets and Market & King Streets. The Square comes to life each Wednesday beneath the statue of Caesar Rodney, for whom the park is dedicated. The Farmers Market offers an array of the freshest local produce, plants, herbs and cut flowers, a large assortment of beautiful handmade items, including arts and crafts, unique jewelry and delicious home baked goods. Stroll the Square and then relax under an umbrella at one the many café tables. The food truck craze continues with returning favorites like Kapow Food Truck, Koi On The Go and I Don't Give A Fork.  We are also looking forward to our new vendors including River Rock Kitchen and Mrs. Robino's.  Enjoy a delicious breakfast or lunch while listening to a variety of free live entertainment.

This market is another example of our commitment to assisting small businesses, entrepreneurs and startups as well as many community organizations with the goal of a more vital, vibrant downtown for all.  The market has grown each year to become the go to place for 1,000's citizens and Downtown workers every Wednesday. Much of what is sold at the market is grown by small family owned farms in Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Come out and enjoy all Downtown Wilmington has to offer!


Delaware Innovation Week!

There is a vibrancy in Downtown Wilmington centered around innovation and technology.

We're celebrating that vibrancy for more than a week!

Delaware Innovation Week 2016 is’s second annual week-long celebration of technology and innovation happening November 11-19, 2016.

No matter what your interest or what your schedule allows, you can join in this week of celebrating ideas.

I hope to see you at some of these great events!


Tech2gether in Downtown Wilmington

Downtown Wilmington is home to some of the most innovative and exciting people around - and you can join this group for a full day!

Wednesday, November 16 is Tech2gether 2016.

Tech2gether 2016 is the third annual conference in the area highlighting local entrepreneurs and startup companies, showcasing emerging technology, and creating opportunities for connections. Tech2gether will demonstrate that there is a need and be a forum to recruit valuable talent in Delaware and promote the organizations and individuals on the forefront of innovation in Wilmington and surrounding areas.

Click Here to learn more and get your tickets.

Trust me, you don't want to miss out on this awesome opportunity!


TEDxWilmington Conference

If you're not familiar with TED talks, I highly recommend clicking here to learn about these very interesting, engaging, and enlightening ways to help spread ideas.

The organization has licensed Ajit George to create a conference here in Wilmington - TEDx Wilmington - which is now in it's 5th and most ambitious year.

Ajit has gathered 38 speakers from four countries and 14 states who will present ideas worth spreading at World Cafe Live at the Queen on August 24.

Here's a sample of the topics and speakers:

·      “From Pawns to Kings: Chess Champions of Murder Town USA,” by Walter Durant

·      “Sex Trafficking in the US: Young Lives, Insane Profit,” by Yolanda Schlabach

·      “How to Graduate from College Debt-Free!” by Cornelius “Nippy” Betz, III

·      “Performance Anxiety—It’s Not Just for Men,” by Claudia Six, Ph.D

·      “Why Would Any Rational Person Run for Congress?” by U.S. Senator Chris Coons

·      “Lift Depression with These 3 Prescriptions—Without Pills,” by Susan Heitler

·      “Wealth Prejudice: How it Affects Us,” by Myra Salzer

·      “Can Tigers Tame Your Stress?” by Kevin Rose

·      “Sniffing Out Cancer: The Making of a Groundbreaking Documentary About Early Cancer Detection,” by Pina DeRosa and Adrian LaCorte

·      “How Rethinking Sex Segregation in Sports is the Key to Equality,” by Hudson Taylor

·      “9 Nos to One Yes: How Not Quitting My Dreams Changed My Life to Help Change Others,” by Allington Creque

I have no doubt that the ideas presented in Wilmington on the 24th will inspire and lead to change.

Click here to learn more about this amazing event.




Business Resiliency Workshop at Wilmington Library Aug. 29

This was just published by Scott Goss at the News Journal:

Entrepreneurs can face a host of obstacles in running their business, ranging from marketing and accounting to immediate public safety crises.
The Delaware Small Business Development Center and Downtown Visions are hoping to help companies prepare for those eventualities by hosting a free, two-hour business resiliency workshop in downtown Wilmington on Aug. 29.

You can read the complete piece with details by clicking here.

This will be an important workshop with a lot of valuable information for entrepreneurs and businesses throughout the area.

WHAT: Small Business Resiliency Check Up

WHEN: Monday, August 29, 5:30 PM

WHERE: Wilmington Library - 10 E. 10th Street, Wilmington

Click Here to RSVP for this free workshop.

I hope to see you there.
