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We Want to Help YOU Prepare for Small Business Saturday!

Small Business Saturday

Hard to believe, but the holidays are right around the corner! What is your business doing to properly prepare? 

Did you know Downtown Visions is here to help grow your business? In addition to all of our business resources, we are huge fans of Small Business Saturday on November 25th. We want to help you have an extra successful Small Business Saturday and encourage locals to #shopsmall.

In order to help you, please send us whatever promotions you will be offering on that day and we will help get the word out!

Simply email the name of your business, the promotion you are offering, how to redeem that particular promotion and what hours you will be open that day. 

Not sure where to start? Here are two additional resources to help you prepare:

American Express FREE Small Business Toolkit

Big Ideas for Small Business Saturday

Post by Julia Mason of Enthusiasm Lab