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The Best of the State of Delaware is Along the Market Street Corridor and in Downtown Wilmington

Photo Credit rievictoriaaoki

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The Best of Delaware by Delaware Today Magazine surveys thousands of individuals throughout the year resulting in the top-notch restaurants, bars, retailers and services locations within the state.

Lucky for Wilmingtonian's many of the winners are located within Downtown Wilmington, DE. Here is just a sampling of some that took home first place!

Barbecue Place

Readers, upstateLocale BBQ Post

1014 N. Lincoln St., Wilmington, 510-4929


 La Fia 

426 N. Market St., Wilmington, 543-5574


 Southeast Kitchen

1901 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, 691-7728

Candy-Chocolate Shop

Readers, upstateGovatos Chocolates

4105 Concord Pike, Wilmington, 478-5324; 800 N. Market St., Wilmington, 652-4082


 Piccolina Toscana 

1412 N. Dupont St., Wilmington, 654-8001

Charm Factor

De La Coeur Café et Patisserie 

1836 Lovering Ave., Wilmington, 660--7178

Coffee Shop

Readers, upstateBrew HaHa! • Read more about one of Brew HaHa!'s friendliest baristas.

3838 Kennett Pike , Greenville, 658-6336; 45 E. Main St., Newark, 369-2600; Christiana Hospital, 4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road, Newark, 733-2739; 1812 Marsh Road, Wilmington, 529-1125; 3636 Concord Pike, Wilmington, 478-7227; 222 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, 777-5137; 824 N. Market St., Wilmington, 777-4499; 5329 Limestone Road, Wilmington, 234-9600; 1400 N. Dupont St., Wilmington, 384-6344

Crab Cakes

Readers, upstateBig Fish Grill on the Riverfront

720 Justison St., Wilmington, 652-3474

Late Night Menu

Kid Shelleen’s Charcoal House & Saloon

1801 W. 14th St., Wilmington, 658-4600

Lunch Downtown

Chelsea Tavern

821 N. Market St., Wilmington, 482-3333

New Brewpub

Stitch House Brewery

1829 N. Market St., Wilmington, 250-4280


Green Room

42 W. 11th St., Wilmington, 594-3154

Place for All Tastes

 Ernest & Scott Taproom

902 N. Market St., Wilmington, 384-8113

Place to Drink without Worrying About the Kids

Constitution Yards Beer Garden

308 Justison St., Wilmington, 407-5192

For the complete list of winners click here.