art — News | Downtown Wilmington


Creative Vision Factory and the Christina Cultural Arts Center

There's an artistic transformation taking place in Downtown Wilmington.

Our friends at The Creative Vision Factory worked with the community and turned the back of the Christina Cultural Arts Center from this:

to this:

Michael Kalmbach, Director of the Creative Vision Factory, had this to say:

"I'm so proud of my team, and so very grateful to the Christina Cultural Arts Center-- their community showered this project with love."

I echo Michael's appreciation for our great community.


Get ready for Richard Raw Week in Wilmington

Our friend, Richard Raw, consistently pours himself into the local community, provides quality entertainment, and mentors young people throughout the city.

The week of June 4-11 is Richard Raw Week, with concerts, block parties, film screenings, and more planned throughout the week.

I hope you will bring your family and friends out to these great community events.
